Ice Navigation Training Course
This training course is desigen for navigators and provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to sailing in ice. Practical exercises are conducted on a full mission navigational simulator that…
This training course is desigen for navigators and provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to sailing in ice. Practical exercises are conducted on a full mission navigational simulator that…
[events_calendar style =’style-1′ event_cat_ids = “” calendar_show=’full_width’ show_desc=’yes’ limit = 5 show_child_event=’yes’ show_parent_event=’yes’] We cooperate with Frank Mohn providing „Framo Training” courses.
We cooperate with BW Gas – a company which has developed a special course in cooperation with “Jotun” and “Clemco”: Corrosion Protection
Jotun We cooperate with BW Gas – a company which has developed a special course in cooperation with “Jotun” and “Clemco”: Corrosion Protection
We cooperate with Interorient Navigation (Latvia) providing following courses: Ship Handling Ice Navigation