Transas Bridge Simulator – NTPro 5000

LAPA Training Centre has successfully started to use the latest Transas Bridge Simulator – NTPro 5000. Realism in operation and functionality of the new bridge simulator are essential building blocks for enhancing sea skills and thus providing safe, secure and reliable vessel handling.

NTPro 5000 simulator has been approved by DNV and it allows providing in-depth analysis of emergencies, using video and audio records.

NTPro 5000 simulator is used to provide the following courses:

  1. Bridge Recourse Management A-II/1, A-II/2 (including Leadership and managerial skill)
  2. Bridge Recourse Management A-II/1, A-II/2 (including Leadership and managerial skill) Equalization Course
  3. Ship Handling Course A-II/2; B-V/a
  4. Competence Updating Course for Masters and Deck Officers A-I/11.2
  5. Sailing in Ice A-I/12; A-II/2; B-I/12; B-V/g*