Safety and Security Training Courses
I. Basic Safety Training
1. Training Course: Basic Safety Training (SOLAS)
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/1-1; A-VI/1-2; A-VI/1-3; A-VI/1-4
3. Entry standards: Seafarer’s Medical Certificate. ( )
4. Target group: all seafarers
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – Basic Safety Training – Refresher Course
II. Basic Safety Training – Refresher Course
1. Training Course: Basic Safety Training – Refresher Course
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/1-1; A-VI/1-2; A-VI/1-3; A-VI/1-4
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Basic Safety Training course and sea going experience 3 months in last 5 years’
4. Target group: all seafarers
5. Course duration: 1 day
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – Basic Safety Training – Refresher Course
III. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats
1. Training Course: Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/2-1
3. Entry standards: Certificate “Basic Safety training course” and approved seagoing service of not less than 6 months
4. Target group: All deck officers, engine officers, AB and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 2,5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – Proficiency in Survival Craft – Refresher Course
IV. Proficiency in Survival Craft – Refresher Course
1. Training Course: Proficiency in Survival Craft – Refresher Course
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/2-1
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats and sea going experience 3 months in last 5 years’
4. Target group: All deck officers, engine officers, AB and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 1 day
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – Proficiency in Survival Craft – Refresher Course
V. Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting
1. Training Course: Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/3
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Basic safety training course’
4. Target group: All deck officers, all engine officers, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 2.5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting – refresher course
Va. Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting – refresher course
1. Training Course: Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/3
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting sea going experience 3 months in last 5 years’
4. Target group: All deck officers, all engine officers, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 1 day
6. Revalidation: every 5 years Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting – refresher course
VI. Medical First Aid
1. Training Course: Medical First Aid
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/4-1
3. Entry standards: Certificate “Basic safety training course”
4. Target group: Junior deck officers, all engine officers, and other seafarers by companies’ requirements.
5. Course duration: 3 days
6. Revalidation: not required
VII. Medical Care
1. Training Course: Medical Care
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/4-2
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Medical First aid’ or ‘Medical Care’
4. Target group: Masters, Chief Officers and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years
VIII. Ship Security Officer
1. Training Course: Ship Security Officer
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/5
3. Entry standards: All deck and engine officers with approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months
4. Target group: Officers who can be appointed as ship security officers
5. Course duration: 2 days
6. Revalidation: not required
X. Ship Safety Officer
1. Training Course: Ship Safety Officer
2. Code: Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen
3. Entry standards: No entry requirements
4. Target group: Ship officer who can be appointed as a ship safety officer
5. Course duration: 2 days
6. Revalidation: not required
XII. Security Awareness Training for all Seafarers
1. Training Course: Security Awareness Training for all Seafarers
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/6-1
3. Entry standards: No entry requirements
4. Target group: all seafarers
5. Course duration: 5 hours
6. Revalidation: not required
XIII. Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties
1. Training Course: Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/6-1; A-VI/6-2
3. Entry standards: No entry requirements
4. Target group: all seafarers
5. Course duration: 11 hours
6. Revalidation: not required
I. Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
1. Training Course: Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
2. STCW convention code: A-V/1-1-1
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Basic Safety Training course’
4. Target group: Junior deck and engine officers, all tanker personnel
5. Course duration: 4 days
6. Revalidation: not required
II. Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations
1. Training Course: Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations
2. STCW convention code: A-V/1-1-2
3. Entry standards: ‘Oil, chemical and liquefied gas tanker familiarization course’ or ‘Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
4. Target group: Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
III. Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations
1. Training Course: Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations
2. STCW convention code: A-V/1-1-3.
3. Entry standards: ‘Oil, chemical and liquefied gas tanker familiarization course’ and ‘or ‘Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations’
4. Target group: Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
IV. Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations
1. Training Course: Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations
2. STCW convention code: A-V/1-2-2
3. Entry standards: ‘Oil, chemical and liquefied gas tanker familiarization course’ and ‘Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations’
4. Target group: Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
I. GMDSS General Operator Course
1. Training Course: GMDSS General Operator Course
2. STCW convention code: A-IV/2
3. Entry standards: student navigator, basic knowledge of computer and English
4. Target group: Navigators on ships equipped with GMDSS system
5. Course duration: 15 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – GMDSS General Operator – Refresher Course
II. GMDSS General Operator – Refresher Course
1. Course Name: GMDSS General Operator – Refresher Course
2. STCW convention code: A-IV/2
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘GMDSS General Operator’ and sea going experience 12 months in last 5 years
4. Target group: Navigators on ships equipped with GMDSS system
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – GMDSS General Operator – Refresher Course
I. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA at Operational Level
1. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA at Operational Level
2. STCW convention code: A-II/1
3. Entry standards: student navigator, basic knowledge of computer and English and 4 months sea going experience
4. Target group: All Deck Officers and Masters on ships less then 500BT
5. Course duration: 8 days
6. Revalidation: not required
II. Radar, ARPA Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue at Management Level
1. Training Course: Radar, ARPA Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue at Management Level
2. STCW convention code: A-II/2
3. Entry standards: Certificate “Radar Navigation, plotting and use of ARPA. Operational level” and 12 months seagoing experience
4. Target group: Masters and Chief Officers
5. Course duration: 4 days
6. Revalidation: not required
I. Competence updating course (Masters and Deck officers)
1. Training Course: Competence Updating Course (Masters and Deck officers)
2. STCW convention code: A-I/11.2
3. Entry standards: Certificate of ship’s deck officer
4. Target group: Master and Chief Officer, Second Officer with certificate of competency of Chief Officer or Second Officer ready for promotion to Chief Officer
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years
II. Bridge Resource Management
1. Training Course: Bridge Resource Management
2. STCW convention code: A- A-II/1 A-II/2
3. Entry standards: Ship’s deck officer dipoma/ student or Ship’s deck officer Licence, and Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA at Operational Level A-II/1 Certificate
4. Target group: Masters, Chief Officers, Deck Officers
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
1. Training Course: The operational use of electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS)
2. STCW convention code: A-II/1; A-II/2
3. Entry standards: Certificate of maritime education or certificate of ship’s deck officer
4. Target group: Navigators on ships equipped with ECDIS system
5. Course duration: 4 days
6. Revalidation: not required
IV. Ship Handling
1. Training Course: Ship Handling
2. STCW convention code: A-II/2 A-VIII/2 and B-V/a
3. Entry standards: Certificate of Master or Chief Officer
4. Target group: Masters and Chief Officers
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
I. Competence Updating Course (Engineer Officers)
1. Training Course: Competence Updating Course (Engineer Officers)
2. STCW convention code: A-I/11.2
3. Entry standards: Certificate of ship’s engineer officer
4. Target group: Chief and Second Engineers, Third Engineers with certificates of Second Engineers or ready for promotion to Second Engineer
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years
II. Engine Resource Management
1. Training Course: Engine Resource Management
2. STCW convention code: A-III/1 A-III/2
3. Entry standards: Ship’s Engine officer diploma/student or Ship’s Engine officer Licence
4. Target group: Engineers
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
I. Maritime English Course
1. Training Course: Maritime English Course
2. Entry standards: No entry requirements
3. Target group: All seafarers who wish to improve their English
4. Course duration: 5 – 15 days
II. Corrosion Protection and Maintenance Course
1. Training Course: Corrosion Protection and Maintenance Course
2. Entry standards: No entry requirements
3. Target group: Senior Officers and Superintendents
4. Course duration: 3 days
III. Electro technology for Marine Engineers
1. Training Course: Electro technology for Marine Engineers
2. Entry standards: Certificate of ship’s engineer officer
3. Target group: engineer officers
4. Course duration: 5 days
IV. Hygiene requirements on board ships
1. Training Course: Hygiene requirements on board ships
2. Entry standards: Certificate of ship’s cook/steward
3. Target group: cooks/stewards
4. Course duration: 1 day[/vc_column_text]
Safety and Security Training Courses
I. Basic Safety Training
1. Training Course: Basic Safety Training (SOLAS)
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/1-1; A-VI/1-2; A-VI/1-3; A-VI/1-4
3. Entry standards: Seafarer’s Medical Certificate. ( )
4. Target group: all seafarers
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – Basic Safety Training – Refresher Course
II. Basic Safety Training – Refresher Course
1. Training Course: Basic Safety Training – Refresher Course
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/1-1; A-VI/1-2; A-VI/1-3; A-VI/1-4
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Basic Safety Training course and sea going experience 3 months in last 5 years’
4. Target group: all seafarers
5. Course duration: 1 day
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – Basic Safety Training – Refresher Course
III. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats
1. Training Course: Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/2-1
3. Entry standards: Certificate “Basic Safety training course” and approved seagoing service of not less than 6 months
4. Target group: All deck officers, engine officers, AB and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 2,5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – Proficiency in Survival Craft – Refresher Course
IV. Proficiency in Survival Craft – Refresher Course
1. Training Course: Proficiency in Survival Craft – Refresher Course
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/2-1
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats and sea going experience 3 months in last 5 years’
4. Target group: All deck officers, engine officers, AB and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 1 day
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – Proficiency in Survival Craft – Refresher Course
V. Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting
1. Training Course: Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/3
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Basic safety training course’
4. Target group: All deck officers, all engine officers, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 2.5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting – refresher course
Va. Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting – refresher course
1. Training Course: Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/3
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting sea going experience 3 months in last 5 years’
4. Target group: All deck officers, all engine officers, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 1 day
6. Revalidation: every 5 years Advanced Training in Fire-Fighting – refresher course
VI. Medical First Aid
1. Training Course: Medical First Aid
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/4-1
3. Entry standards: Certificate “Basic safety training course”
4. Target group: Junior deck officers, all engine officers, and other seafarers by companies’ requirements.
5. Course duration: 3 days
6. Revalidation: not required
VII. Medical Care
1. Training Course: Medical Care
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/4-2
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Medical First aid’ or ‘Medical Care’
4. Target group: Masters, Chief Officers and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years
VIII. Ship Security Officer
1. Training Course: Ship Security Officer
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/5
3. Entry standards: All deck and engine officers with approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months
4. Target group: Officers who can be appointed as ship security officers
5. Course duration: 2 days
6. Revalidation: not required
X. Ship Safety Officer
1. Training Course: Ship Safety Officer
2. Code: Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen
3. Entry standards: No entry requirements
4. Target group: Ship officer who can be appointed as a ship safety officer
5. Course duration: 2 days
6. Revalidation: not required
XII. Security Awareness Training for all Seafarers
1. Training Course: Security Awareness Training for all Seafarers
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/6-1
3. Entry standards: No entry requirements
4. Target group: all seafarers
5. Course duration: 5 hours
6. Revalidation: not required
XIII. Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties
1. Training Course: Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties
2. STCW convention code: A-VI/6-1; A-VI/6-2
3. Entry standards: No entry requirements
4. Target group: all seafarers
5. Course duration: 11 hours
6. Revalidation: not required
I. Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
1. Training Course: Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
2. STCW convention code: A-V/1-1-1
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘Basic Safety Training course’
4. Target group: Junior deck and engine officers, all tanker personnel
5. Course duration: 4 days
6. Revalidation: not required
II. Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations
1. Training Course: Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations
2. STCW convention code: A-V/1-1-2
3. Entry standards: ‘Oil, chemical and liquefied gas tanker familiarization course’ or ‘Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
4. Target group: Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
III. Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations
1. Training Course: Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations
2. STCW convention code: A-V/1-1-3.
3. Entry standards: ‘Oil, chemical and liquefied gas tanker familiarization course’ and ‘or ‘Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations’
4. Target group: Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
IV. Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations
1. Training Course: Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations
2. STCW convention code: A-V/1-2-2
3. Entry standards: ‘Oil, chemical and liquefied gas tanker familiarization course’ and ‘Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations’
4. Target group: Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, pumpmen and other seafarers if required by their companies
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
I. GMDSS General Operator Course
1. Training Course: GMDSS General Operator Course
2. STCW convention code: A-IV/2
3. Entry standards: student navigator, basic knowledge of computer and English
4. Target group: Navigators on ships equipped with GMDSS system
5. Course duration: 15 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – GMDSS General Operator – Refresher Course
II. GMDSS General Operator – Refresher Course
1. Course Name: GMDSS General Operator – Refresher Course
2. STCW convention code: A-IV/2
3. Entry standards: Certificate ‘GMDSS General Operator’ and sea going experience 12 months in last 5 years
4. Target group: Navigators on ships equipped with GMDSS system
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years – GMDSS General Operator – Refresher Course
I. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA at Operational Level
1. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA at Operational Level
2. STCW convention code: A-II/1
3. Entry standards: student navigator, basic knowledge of computer and English and 4 months sea going experience
4. Target group: All Deck Officers and Masters on ships less then 500BT
5. Course duration: 8 days
6. Revalidation: not required
II. Radar, ARPA Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue at Management Level
1. Training Course: Radar, ARPA Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue at Management Level
2. STCW convention code: A-II/2
3. Entry standards: Certificate “Radar Navigation, plotting and use of ARPA. Operational level” and 12 months seagoing experience
4. Target group: Masters and Chief Officers
5. Course duration: 4 days
6. Revalidation: not required
I. Competence updating course (Masters and Deck officers)
1. Training Course: Competence Updating Course (Masters and Deck officers)
2. STCW convention code: A-I/11.2
3. Entry standards: Certificate of ship’s deck officer
4. Target group: Master and Chief Officer, Second Officer with certificate of competency of Chief Officer or Second Officer ready for promotion to Chief Officer
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years
II. Bridge Resource Management
1. Training Course: Bridge Resource Management
2. STCW convention code: A- A-II/1 A-II/2
3. Entry standards: Ship’s deck officer dipoma/ student or Ship’s deck officer Licence, and Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA at Operational Level A-II/1 Certificate
4. Target group: Masters, Chief Officers, Deck Officers
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
1. Training Course: The operational use of electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS)
2. STCW convention code: A-II/1; A-II/2
3. Entry standards: Certificate of maritime education or certificate of ship’s deck officer
4. Target group: Navigators on ships equipped with ECDIS system
5. Course duration: 4 days
6. Revalidation: not required
IV. Ship Handling
1. Training Course: Ship Handling
2. STCW convention code: A-II/2 A-VIII/2 and B-V/a
3. Entry standards: Certificate of Master or Chief Officer
4. Target group: Masters and Chief Officers
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
I. Competence Updating Course (Engineer Officers)
1. Training Course: Competence Updating Course (Engineer Officers)
2. STCW convention code: A-I/11.2
3. Entry standards: Certificate of ship’s engineer officer
4. Target group: Chief and Second Engineers, Third Engineers with certificates of Second Engineers or ready for promotion to Second Engineer
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: every 5 years
II. Engine Resource Management
1. Training Course: Engine Resource Management
2. STCW convention code: A-III/1 A-III/2
3. Entry standards: Ship’s Engine officer diploma/student or Ship’s Engine officer Licence
4. Target group: Engineers
5. Course duration: 5 days
6. Revalidation: not required
I. Maritime English Course
1. Training Course: Maritime English Course
2. Entry standards: No entry requirements
3. Target group: All seafarers who wish to improve their English
4. Course duration: 5 – 15 days
II. Corrosion Protection and Maintenance Course
1. Training Course: Corrosion Protection and Maintenance Course
2. Entry standards: No entry requirements
3. Target group: Senior Officers and Superintendents
4. Course duration: 3 days
III. Electro technology for Marine Engineers
1. Training Course: Electro technology for Marine Engineers
2. Entry standards: Certificate of ship’s engineer officer
3. Target group: engineer officers
4. Course duration: 5 days
IV. Hygiene requirements on board ships
1. Training Course: Hygiene requirements on board ships
2. Entry standards: Certificate of ship’s cook/steward
3. Target group: cooks/stewards
4. Course duration: 1 day